Bank crisis everywhere. Must be hard times especially for the Billionaires around the world.
A short question for you:
Who said in a speech: "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. and my fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."
a) George Bush
b) John F. Kennedy
c) Osama Bin Laden
d) who cares...
if your answer is d) then you will proabably not support our bb idea of a "Soli-party for the banks", which we are planning at the moment.
We will organize a night soon, where all artists are playing for free and all the money goes to help the humble troubled banks in Germany.
Honestly, lets help the bankers, because - they are humans like us after all. And don't forget. Didn't they support us "credible" creative people with an unregular income for years by heart? Of course they welcomed us with a red carpet and always immediately provided us with even the smallest credits when we had problems.
And if they - once a millenium - didn't support us, the reason was simple and totally understandable: it was their duty to be careful about the bank's money... and we were not worthy. Oh, not to forget... i am so thankful for some of their good advise like: "with every businees you do, never take too many risks...".
Bankers, we still beleive in you! Mistakes are human! Burning trillions of dollars/euros could have happened to me, too. I am realistic!
Accidentally my favorite track to play out at the moment is by a band called Depressed Billionaires from New York (no joke...). They have an E.P. out on idiot-house (great label name by he way..), which is awesome! Get it at beatport.
If you like Holy Ghost and Hercules & Love Affair with a little more punch and dancefloor, here is your team. Instrumental Disco Electro at its best!
well, i knew that there is a blog for everything. But i couldn't beleive, that there really is a blog for billionaires. Weird world... check it out:
billionaires blog
(the foto was taken at last years HYPO REAL ESTATE BANK christmas party which had the motto: "come as a billionaire")