Played for the very first time in poland yesterday and - yes - god save the vinyl - people were playing vinyl (though i came only with cds). I couldnt believe my eyes. I thought especially in poland people would play cds. well - i found out that there is not many good recordstores in the whole of poland - maybe 2 in warsaw. but the djs i played with (zambo) are mainly shopping in a store in berlin: Oye Records. Funnily enough thats also my favourite recordstore in berlin. Its just around the corner and its always good selected stuff. One of the owners of oye records is actually a very talented dj. He goes by the name of Delfonic and has been making some ed bangerlike edits under his moniker of marvin suggs. I have been playing his sabotage-edit of the beasties for a bit of time. So i think its well about time to share one of his edits with with you. Ok - jokers of the scene also used pharaoe monch, but who cares. you can either hate it or love it, but maybe check out this version here.