Sorry, but this is a very sad and private post. It is all about destroying children's dreams. I had one of these situations this morning, while reading, that IVAN REBROFF died. He accompanied my childhood in every shitty musical TV-show by singing traditional russian songs with an opera-like voice, looking like... well... a russian guy on too much vodka (i mean, look at the video-still...). For me, he WAS RUSSIA, and i expected everybody in Russia to look like him, sing songs and dance all day, have a big beard and a statue like a tree and be funny because drinking too much vodka. (remember this was way before Perestoika, so my informations were a bit limited, but still, thinking about it, i was not completely wrong, as i found out deejaying in russian clubs recently...). He was the russian clichè singing on German TV. And of course i thought he was from Russia! Until today (sniff). Truth is: He is actually called Hans Rolf Rippert and he is from...BERLIN SPANDAU (a posh area in Berlin, where also Alec Empire and Die Ärzte come from). This feels like the moment, when i found out, that the Santa Claus was actually my father in a costume... sorry, but today is my sad day of disillusion!
NEONMAN - Nightclubbing (JACK TENNIS Remix)

Neonman - Peep Show
Jack Tennis,
Don't really understand the discussion/problem, some people have with them being well educated, rich guys. Does that make the music less AMAZING? C'mon, this is 2008 and - thank god - not "the streets" of L.A.! Although they live in USA, there is definetly no danger of them getting killed in a drive-by-shooting, which makes them very sympathetic to me. Love their album, and especially love this song. The hype surrounding them is - to me- completly deserved. "A-Punk" sounds like nothing else at the moment, and to me a bit like AZTEC CAMERA played by a traditional band from Africa. Brilliant! And the video is great too. It was produced by artists Hammer & Tongs and the band describe it as 'jittery Charlie Chaplin meets The Mighty Boosh'. I'm with them.

What a package! More really ace remixes for Mark Ronson. "Just" is a coverversion of a RADIOHEAD song and the vocal comes from American Alternative band PHANTOM PLANET, which - of course - features none other then one of my favorite actors JASON SCHWARTZMAN (Darjeeling Limited, Marie Antoinette). So, hey: typical Mark Ronson celebrity alarm. This remix was produced by DFA's Tim Goldsworthy. He did some amazing stuff under his "LOVING HAND"-alias, which actually is the right expression for what he does. He puts his "loving hands" on the original and out comes a warm club-friendly disco-electro tune. Also check out his remix for "Penguin" by Home Video (it is part of my t.y.t.t.s.-dj-mix here on berlinbattery). This remix comes on a beautiful 10 Inch with more great mixes by DJ PREMIER (legendary HipHop-producer from Gang Starr) and The GO! TEAM. It's worth every penny and actually it is really cheap at the moment... for example here:
ALB - sweet sensation (BREAKBOT rmx)

tomorrow's the day. Graphic-designer and Electro-Funk-wizzard BREAKBOT is coming to deejay at our berlinbattery-party. To get you into the right mood, here is another fluffy electro-disco-moment, which - soundwise - can only happen in Paris. It has that distorted JUSTICE-like sound, but here it is embedded in a warm, friendly disco-suit. See you tomorrow! (the graphic is obviously by the maestro himself...)

Aha, was ist das denn jetzt? Hercules & Love Affair kennt man vielleicht schon von ihrer 12" aus dem letzten Jahr, jetzt kommt das ganze Album auf DFA. Musikalisch irgendwo zwischen Disco, Balearic/Cosmic, No Wave, Jazz(?!) und so, ist der Gesang von Antony Hegarty (der von Antony and the Johnsons) erstmal etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig (Video). Der singt aber nur bei fünf Stücken. Mir gefällt "Athene" mit Kim Ann Foxman am Gesang am Besten. Von "Blind" gibts jetzt auch noch einen relativ oldschooligen House Remix von Opi Frankie Knuckles.
News from Jamie Lidell! After his milestone "Multiply" he's now working with his band on the live versions (Mocky on the piano!) of his new album "Jim" (on Warp Rec.). And it sounds like - whow. If this is just the rehearsal how does it sound when its all finished and perfect...? This man got soul!!!
GONZALES - Slow Down (the singing lesson-video)
Really funny video featuring an amazing new track by Ex-Berliner-Canadien-now-Parisien Gonzales from his upcoming new album "soft power". The story: Gonzales gets forced by his record company to do some singing lessons for his new album. He ends up with an elderly french opera-madame to practice and from then on things turn... diffrent then expected. Great idea and honestly the best song i heard so far by Monsieur Gonzales (and he already did some great stuff). The real song can be heard only the last 30 seconds and it is worth the wait, because the sun strats to shine!. There is also a rmx-verion with Teki Latex on myspace. His new album seems to dig deep into softpopsoul territory. Sort of Ben Folds meets Gilbert O Sullivan meets the Doobie Brothers. Big Music! There is another album-teaser on youtube for the song "working together".
MUSCLES - Sweaty (SHAZAM rmx)

Unbeleivable! Shazam is just 17 years old and drops a remix for Muscles that is so funky Prince-meets-nu-fidget-french-house, it will make dancers go mad! Reminds me a lot of the overfunky DatA-remix for "Minuit Jacuzzi" by TEPR on Wall of Sound. You can get the new Muscles 12 Inch via Modular records, a great package as usual with another remix by Juan Maclean.... There is a couple of other tracks you can listen to at SHAZAM's myspace-page and one more track to download called "Pool Party" which is a burner, too (check Discodust for it). Just surprisingly found out, that MUSCLES already have an album out called "Guns Babes Lemonade" , which i have to check out...
COCOON - On my way (video)
new excellent folk-pop-duo from France. Their album is the perfect soundtrack after a really shitty day. Cocoon make you feel much better with their warm, relaxed folk-pop-diamonds. Great song-ideas, big harmonies! They sound like a cross of Elliott Smith, Nick Drake and Belle and Sebastian, produced by Air. Although their album is called "My friends all died in a plane crash" and the video ends tragic in a plane-crash, the overall vibe is positive with the duo skiing on a pandabear... Get their album. It'S worth every franc.
GAMEBOY/GAMEGIRL - Golden Ghetto Sex EP (video teaser)
Australia's finest Rap-Electro-Weirdo-Fun-Combo finally releases it's first EP (beginning of march). Featuring two of last years most bouncey fun-electro-hits "Sweaty wet" and "Fruit salad" and lots more. The video is like a "stars on 45-thing" and the perfect visual to the sound: people riding on giant bananas, fruit singing on kitchentables, people dressed in very stupid clothes, etc... (you get the point). This is going to be HUGE!
Roundtable Knights - Freak from Desire

Its the return of the 90ies. Just listen to Surkins new single White Knight Two or to the Simian Mobile Disco Rmx of Inner City - Big Fun. There are so many other examples. I know I could have posted this track already ages ago since I got it directly from the guys when I met them in Zuerich. But when I got this remindermail from Arcademode again I just thought - okay here you go with a classic from our friends - the Roundtableknights. Splicing up Galas Freed from Desire. Send those girls to Baltimore.
Free Blood - The Royal Family
You cant go wrong with Adventures Close to Home. They have incredible Lineups on their parties in London and they also have a sweet Label. Free Blood is such a band to watch out! Just watch their wicked video THE ROYAL FAMILY.

Here is a party that is recommended for this friday....you dont wanna miss this one and also the flyer looks awesome...
AUF DIE MUETZE: Modeselektor, Boys Noize, Feadz, Strip Steve are playing at VILLA.....i am gonna be there.

Also I am gonna play after Justice next thursday. Lots of stuff happening....and yeah....next Saturday its already our party with Breakbot at Crush. Cant wait for that.
The Ting Tings - Great Dj (Calvin Harris Rmx)

I guess this is the song I will be listening to in the next two months. Love everything Calvin Harris gets into his magic hands.
The Ting Tings seems to be a band to watch out....Coming from Manchester and having Rick Rubin as one of their fans, I guess they are on the hype side of the thing when it comes to english press...Watch out for their single GREAT DJ to drop in march.

What a great name! She's from London and this is her first single. But she's been around for some time, you can watch really funny videos of her performing live with a drummer-girl or a drumcomputer. She is standing there with a guitar on stage, singing and ... well looking extremly cool in a very MOD-sense. Yeah, fine with me, always up for a new MOD-movement! She plays very unusual and sometimes erratic folk-mod-pop, here on "Hypocrite" with a fat, but punky DFA-like beat. The whole sound is very DIY and reminds me of the good New Young Pony Club moments. So where do all the young girls suddenly come from, which find massive amounts of fans on Myspace and then are signed a second later (like Kate Nash Lily Allen etc...). Theoretical Girl was caught by XL records, just like Adele. Looks like 2008 will be the year of "FEMALES ARE THE NEW LOUD"!(also new and great and much talked about: Lykke Li, Adele, The New Sins, Duffy, Ladyhawke... well, amongst others)
CUT COPY - Lights and Music (Boys Noize Happy Birthday rmx)

really good one! i did not really like Boys Noize's noisy stuff on his album etc, because - compared to others doing that sound like JUSTICE - it had absolutely no funkyness. But recently he seems to have fallen in love or what is the reason for his two really classy electro-discofied remixes for CUT COPY and Berlin wizzard APPARAT? This one here really stands out for its dancey, but relaxed groove. This remix will be part of a 12 Inch with another slick SUPERDISCOUNT remix soon. You have to also get his remix for Apparat. It's an 11-minute ever growing electro-monster, that leads you in 5 diffrent directions during that time... I heard he is about to release a 12 Inch from our beloved Siriusmo on his label soon, so... good direction, Alex! We're with you. And... just a few more weeks till Cut Copy's second album is in the shops!
it's coming up...it's coming up...it's coming up...IT'S THERE!
we are not only proud to present the first berlin-battery party in Berlin, but also our first veryveryvery special guest: BREAKBOT from Paris, one of the most posted guys here. Can't wait...

flyer & berlin-battery-design by: Dennis Ratzlaff
we are not only proud to present the first berlin-battery party in Berlin, but also our first veryveryvery special guest: BREAKBOT from Paris, one of the most posted guys here. Can't wait...

flyer & berlin-battery-design by: Dennis Ratzlaff
CUT COPY - Lights and music
i'm really sorry.... but, Australia again! After 2004's debut album "Bright like neon love" Melbourne's CUT COPY prepare for album no 2: "In Ghost Coulours" will be out on Modular in march/april and this song is their first appetizer single. Tastes good to me! Space-Disco-Rock with Nu-Rave-breaks and an extremly catchy tune. Must be something in the water in australia... They also run their own small label CUTTERS, where they released amongst others the Midnight Juggernauts and one of my favorite 12 Inches recently by KNIGHTLIFE.
DYNAMICS - Seven Nation Army (Patchworks rmx)

I never thought that anotheranotheranother... coverversion of White Stripe's "Seven Nation Army" could get me out of my chair, but then this one arrived. The Dynamics are a french Reggae-Disco-Dancehall-Soul-band that play great reggae-coverversions of famous songs like Miss you/Rolling Stones, Music/Madonna etc.. In case you did not buy their 7 Inches (which feature the strongest tracks) i can really recommend their new album "Version excursions". Dynamic's own version of "seven nation army" is on the album and fine too, but with the magic fingers of monsieur PATCHWORKS (aussi de la France... and producer of the Dynamics himself...) the song turns into a warm extremly ass-shaking discoboogiemonster, that - i guarantee you - makes people smile on the dancefloor all over the world (not only italian football fans)
MARK RONSON - Valerie (almost feat. Amy Winehouse...)
Love this song. Posted Baby J's reggae version here some time ago. Now the great video for the original song. Of course Mark Ronson had a problem, trying to shoot a video of a song that is sung by Amy Winehouse, while the girl is either in rehab or out of order. But Mark Ronson found a nice, ironic and "english" way to solve the problem in this video: Check out the "Winettes", as he calls the cast of singers that are entering the stage here. The video is shot live on stage, i would love to see him playing live in Germany with a full band like in the video.
Fred Falke - Last Wave

The king of frenchhouse is back: Fred Falke.
Released on WORK IT BABY this is his second Solo EP: Music for friends EP.
Make sure you buy the whole package.
Shir Khan vs Ultramoodem Visuals@Transmediale
Here is some impression of what my VJ Ultramoodem did at the Transmediale. Massive Screenings. Actually - when we started after Surkin it was already 6 in the morning and everybody was a bit tired....thats the problem with arty parties...they dont know how to party hard.
THE TEENAGERS - Homecoming (dj supermarkt shredmix)

Really like THE TEENAGERS. "Starlett Johansson" is one of the best songs of 2007 for me. But all the 4.000.000 remixes of first single "Homecoming" missed the right vibe for me. So i tried to shred some of the remixes and the original together and...did this new version. It has all the things that the song needed to explode on the dancefloor...well, i guess. Hope you like it. Can't wait for their upcoming album "Reality Check".
DJ SUPERMARKT: "It's Coming Up..." - 23-min. Minimix for Radio Fritz
visited Signore Shir Khan at his new Radio Show on Radio Fritz and banged out this 23-minute cut-up-rave-disco-mashup-mini-mix. Really like the energy in it, so i thought i'd share it with you. Enjoy!
1. Supermarkt-Intro
2. Knightlife - all systems (cutters)
3. Tronik Youth - we are (Punks Jump Up rmx)(Backyard)
4. Sirusmo - all the girls (philippe boyar edit) (Exploited)
5. Hot Chip - ready for the floor (soulwax dub) (EMI)
6. Sonny J - Can't stop moving (Young Punx rmx)
7. Bobmo - to the bobmobile (institubes)
8. Thomas Bangalter - Spinal scratch vs Tone Loc - Wild Thing (berlinbattery)
9. Alavi - Smells like RERO X vs. Skitzo dancer accapella (berlinbattery)
10. A-Skillz - Strawberry Jam (insane bangers)
11. Askillz vs Beatvandals - Money (insane bangers)
12. Jackson five - i want you back (Rogerseventytwo rmx)
Catch me deejaying tomorrow, february 7th at Maria-Club:
& Dj Supermarkt

more dates:
07.02. Berlin, Maria (with Chicks on speed)
15.02. Ingolstadt, Maki (with Jack Tennis)
23.02. Berlin, Cookies (berlinbattery with Breakbot (Moshi Moshi/Paris), Jack Tennis)
29.02. Hamburg, Pudels (mit Jack tennis)
07.03. Madrid, Low club
08.03. Berlin, Villa (with Shir Khan, Jack tennis a.m.m.)
09.05. ESP - Palma de Mallorca, kamehameha club
10.05. ESP - Mallorca, Muro salafonica (with Moonbootica)
30/31.05. CH/Neuchatel, Festi'neuch Open air 2008
1. Supermarkt-Intro
2. Knightlife - all systems (cutters)
3. Tronik Youth - we are (Punks Jump Up rmx)(Backyard)
4. Sirusmo - all the girls (philippe boyar edit) (Exploited)
5. Hot Chip - ready for the floor (soulwax dub) (EMI)
6. Sonny J - Can't stop moving (Young Punx rmx)
7. Bobmo - to the bobmobile (institubes)
8. Thomas Bangalter - Spinal scratch vs Tone Loc - Wild Thing (berlinbattery)
9. Alavi - Smells like RERO X vs. Skitzo dancer accapella (berlinbattery)
10. A-Skillz - Strawberry Jam (insane bangers)
11. Askillz vs Beatvandals - Money (insane bangers)
12. Jackson five - i want you back (Rogerseventytwo rmx)
Catch me deejaying tomorrow, february 7th at Maria-Club:
& Dj Supermarkt

more dates:
07.02. Berlin, Maria (with Chicks on speed)
15.02. Ingolstadt, Maki (with Jack Tennis)
23.02. Berlin, Cookies (berlinbattery with Breakbot (Moshi Moshi/Paris), Jack Tennis)
29.02. Hamburg, Pudels (mit Jack tennis)
07.03. Madrid, Low club
08.03. Berlin, Villa (with Shir Khan, Jack tennis a.m.m.)
09.05. ESP - Palma de Mallorca, kamehameha club
10.05. ESP - Mallorca, Muro salafonica (with Moonbootica)
30/31.05. CH/Neuchatel, Festi'neuch Open air 2008
DJ SUPERMARKT - happy retirement video
this is a futuristic glimpse at me earning some extra-cash after retiring... happy days are here again!
THE NEW SINS - It doesn't work like that (mp3)
New project from Louise Hayter, keyboard mistress in NEW YOUNG PONY CLUB. I prefer this to the latest NYPC-stuff, because it's not so "dull". Sounds a bit like Sophie Ellis Bextor fronting ESG, produced by LCD SOUNDSYTEM with a little help from the ITALIANS DO IT BETTER-guys... it'S VERY POP in a nice cool disco sense.
DOUBLE IMPACT - ICH HAB KEIN BOCK MEHR (on Reel 2 Real - I Like To Move It)
Helau und Alaaf!!! Fastelovend (that means Carnival) on BerlinBattery! Here are some german versions of great international superhits. Not only for fans and freaks, these are the real "gassenhauer"! Open your Jägermeister, go to the Rosenmontagszug and sing along with GLS United, Werner Wichtig, Double Impact and Willem. De Zoch kütt!
WILLEM - WAT (on Captain Sensible - Wot)

I'm speaking german but I can't unterstand the lyrics. Does it make any sense? Sounds like he wrote it after 30 beers... if you only like the music, listen to the Jack Tennis Dub-Edit of Captain Sensibles original here on Berlin Battery.
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