Excuse me for not having posted that much in the past. But I have been constantly travelling. I was touring Australia, Brazil (support for LCD Soundsystem), Canada (support for Mstrkft), England, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Ukraine. It has been a good year for me. IDJ reviewed my Mix-Cd SHIR KHAN - MAXIMIZE! as one of their "finest compilations of the year". My remix for Bonde do Role on Domino got amazing airplay and I already saw it in some TOP10 for one of the best remixes for 2007 (Timeout/Tel Aviv). My label EXPLOITED had a good start with artists Surkin, Adam Sky and Siriusmo. Sinden featured the Crookers Remix for Adam Sky as one of the essential club tunes for 2007 in Factmagazine. Diplo also got crazy for it as Gorky told me. Angie Reed made a nice 3D-Comicvideo for this which I am going to post here very soon. Last, but not least, in 2008 I start a weekly radioshow at Fritz. Dont miss it and make sure you tune in. I will probably post playlists and some of the mixes featured on the show here. More info on: www.fritz.de
Check the frequency: 102.6
Here are the dates for January:
01.01.08 / 20.00-22.00 / tuesday / Radio Fritz 102.6 / Soundgarden mit Shir Khan / Best of 2007 / Mash-up-Mix / EDU K-Dj-mix
08.01.08 / 20.00-22.00 / tuesday / Radio Fritz 102.6 / Soundgarden mit Shir Khan / WHOMADEWHO-Album-Preview/ BAILE FUNK Special / MAN RECORDINGS-Feature / Dj-Gast: DANIEL HAAKSMAN
15.01.08 / 20.00-22.00 / tuesday / Radio Fritz 102.6 / Soundgarden mit Shir Khan / EUROCRUNK Special / Dj-Gast: CHRIS DE LUCA VS PHON.O
22.01.08 / 20.00-22.00 / tuesday / Radio Fritz 102.6 / Soundgarden mit Shir Khan / Dj-Gast: BEN MONO
29.01.08 / 20.00-22.00 / tuesday / Radio Fritz 102.6 / Soundgarden mit Shir Khan / Dj-Gast: MODESELEKTOR
Finally, watch out for the New Years eve Party! And watch out for a Berlin Battery party coming in march alongside Zombie Disco Squad. Peace and a happy new year. Shirk